
Home Remedies for common cold in children


Home remedies for Common Cold

The Common cold is a disease of the upper respiratory tract brought on by the virus. It mostly affects the nose and throat. Children and infants are at the maximum risk of affecting the frequent cold, but healthy adults may also occasionally be affected by a cold. It is a communicable disease.

Common Cold Causes

  1. It is principally caused by many types of viruses but Rhinovirus has become the most frequent cause of the common cold.
  2. These viruses can spread through air droplets when an influenced person coughs, sneezes or interacts with somebody and enters the body through the mouth, nose or eyes.
  3. It affects young children and babies more because their immune system is immature and their body is at higher risk of being impacted by a viral disease.

Common Cold Signs:

The common cold will cure in a Couple of Days They eventually become last longer in people who smoke frequently. But it’s important to find a physician when the symptoms are not cured.

The Frequent symptoms of the common cold are the following:

  1. Stuffy and runny nose
  2. Sneezing
  3. Sore throat
  4. Cough and Congestion
  5. Body aches 
  6. Mild headache
  7. Mild fever

In Children also it is considered as a no requirement to find the physician but these would be the symptoms if occurring in the kids, then medical care is necessary.

  1. High fever in children of any age for more than two times
  2. Fever around 100.4 F in newborns (up to 12 months )
  3. Headache or cough
  4. Whistling sound on breathing
  5. Reduction of appetite
  6. Earache
  7. Excessive fussiness
  8. Abnormal drowsiness

Natural remedies to treat Common Cold in Children

Natural treatment is the best treatment for the treatment and management for any illness since it is simple, powerful and has no side effects. If you want to get rid of the common cold in your kids then adopt herbal and home remedies. Some of the home remedies and best herbal remedies provided by Earth Ayurveda are given below.

Home Remedies to treat Common Cold

There are various home remedies which Help prevent and treat a common cold obviously in kids.

1) Have a rest: This can assist the body to focus on energy to recuperate as rapidly as possible. Thus, give your kids a warm and well-rested.

2) Fluid intake: Drink fluids and decrease fluid loss from the body during fever, vomiting, and nausea and may also help loosen mucus.

3) Use a humidifier: You ought to keep the air moist in your kid’s room using a humidifier. This will help reduce congestion of the nose and chest.

4) Use some effective herbs that you can easily find on your kitchen: A number of them are the following:

A. Turmeric

It possesses antibiotic, antifungal, Anti inflammatory and antifungal properties. It can help to effectively cure nasal blockages and other symptoms associated with the frequent cold.

How To use:Take half a teaspoon. Take it twice daily.

B. Garlic

It owns many medicinal properties and Considered an effective home remedy for the common cold. It helps to alleviate sore throat, headache, and aches

How To use: Put some garlic buds in mustard oil and heat it for some time.

After this becomes lukewarm, massage the Chest and nose softly with oil.

C. Tulsi

It is also known as holy basil. It’s also a Very successful home remedy for cold and fever.

How To utilize: Boil 4 to 5 fresh leaves of basil in water.

D. Ginger

It is also effective in the common cold.

How To utilize: Set ginger Bits in water and simmer for a while. Add some sugar and mix. Strain and You might also take ginger tea.

Besides these home remedies, There are lots of Herbal remedies which are more helpful in Common cold in children without Side effects . Planet Ayurveda – Holistic healing Through Herbs by Dr Vikram Chauhan offering best Herbal remedies for Common Cold like Kaas-HarChurna, Aller-G Care, Curcumin Capsules

Frozen shoulder exercises

Frozen Shoulder Image

The anatomy of the shoulder includes a ball-and-socket joint that consists of 3 bones. Humerus (upper arm bone), scapula (shoulder blade), and clavicle (collarbone) are the bones that made a ball-and-socket joint. Connective tissues cover this ball-and-socket joint these strong connective tissues are known as shoulder capsules. Thickness in the shoulder capsule with stiffness is known as a frozen shoulder.

Frozen shoulder is a condition that has another name as adhesive causalities. Stiffness in the shoulder, upper arm and pain are some of the signs of frozen shoulder.

Bones of shoulder, ligaments, and tendons are covered by a capsule of tissues. The tightness and thickness of this capsule on the shoulder joint cause the restriction of the movement and it causes the shoulder to get frozen.  

“Rotator cuff fracture” is also a painful condition in the shoulder joint that is very similar to a frozen shoulder.

This “Rotator cuff fracture” is very similar to a frozen shoulder. The reason for this condition is repetitive overhead motion or participation in competitive sports like shot put, cricket, base ball, and hammer throw. 

Both conditions of frozen shoulder and rotator cuff muscle are associated with our shoulder muscles and bones of the upper arm.

Types of frozen shoulder: There are 3 types of frozen shoulders; all these types of frozen shoulder depend upon stages of the frozen shoulder. They are as follows:

Stage 1 (Freezing stage): In this stage, we experience severe and more pain. Due to the severity of the pain range of motion gets affected. Even slight movements can cause pain; hence it restricts the range of motion.

Stage 2 (Frozen stage): Symptoms of pain diminish a little bit but the stiffness in the shoulder gets more severe.

Stage 3 (Thawing stage): In this stage, the range of motion in the shoulder starts improving. To return to a normal level it takes from 6 months to two years in this stage.

We can treat frozen shoulders with the help of exercises as they are very beneficial for the health of your frozen shoulder. Therapeutic modalities and procedures are necessary to limit the pain and aggressive range of motion (ROM).

There are some very beneficial exercises for the frozen shoulder which are as follows:

Passive shoulder range of motion exercises: Severe loss of shoulder range of motion and problematic shoulder motion hurts a lot, working on enhancement of your shoulder range of motion is most important.

Passive shoulder range of motion exercises is the best way to deal with the improvement of mobility in the shoulder.

To perform these Passive shoulder ranges of motion exercises you need a physiotherapist to help you perform these exercises. The direction of motion compromised with the problem of the injured shoulder is abduction, flexion and external rotation.

Passive shoulder range of motion exercises when performed with the help of a physiotherapist helps you keep your shoulder totally relaxed.

Abduction, Flexion, external rotation, and internal rotation are some of the physical movements you can perform during the Passive shoulder range of motion exercises.

Shoulder towel stretch exercises: Towel can also be used to stretch to overcome with the condition of frozen shoulder,” hand behind back” stretch, can help in stretching the tightness in rotator cuff muscles with towel   .

To stretch the front of your shoulder pectorals stretch and chest stretch should be performed to stretch the front of your shoulder. To perform this exercise your physiotherapist must guide you on how to perform this exercise.

Shoulder active range of motion exercises: After doing some of the Passive shoulder range of motion exercises, your next step is to perform exercise which includes moving your arm actively. Shoulder range of motion exercises doing actively means its one step further in your rehabilitation. This is the right time to start moving your arm normally and it can help start getting your shoulder and rotator cuff muscles working again.

These active shoulder ranges of motion exercises are simple to do at home, and they can be performed several times a day but in the supervision of a physiotherapist. The exercise should include abduction, flexion and external rotation. 10 TO 15 reps are enough.

Isometric shoulder exercises: In the fourth step, as you improve step by step with your shoulder mobility with stretching and shoulder range of motion exercises, now it’s time to start strengthening the muscles around your shoulder.

To start using your shoulder and rotator cuff muscles, isometric exercises of the shoulder can be carried out. Without using any special equipment they can help improve the motor functioning (neuromuscular recruitment) of your rotator cuff muscles.

Scapular stabilization exercises: During the condition of the frozen shoulder you can start to use strategies to compensate for your lack of motion at your shoulder joint. One compensatory strategy is to move your shoulder blade excessively when you lift your arm. The exercise can perform on your bed, and there is not any requirement of special equipment.

Rotator cuff strengthening with the stretchable band: Tightness in your muscles is the characteristic of the rotator cuff muscle. In this case it does not mean that you should ignore working on improving the strength of your shoulder and muscles of rotator cuff. To exercise with rotator cuff muscle it’s better to perform with resistance (stretchable band). Exercise with resistance band should be done to strengthen your shoulder in flexion, abduction, external and internal rotation, and extension.10 to 15 repletion’s is recommended once in a day. Your physiotherapist will assist you to perform these exercises perfectly.

Some of the other exercises for frozen shoulder: 

Armpit stretch: By using your healthy arm, lift the affected arm onto a shelf about chest-high. Bend your knees gently, gently stretching the armpit, and then straighten. Bend your knees, with each knee bend, try to stretch little further, but don’t do it forcibly (don’t do it with jerk).

10 to 20 reps a day is recommended in supervision of physiotherapist.

Finger walk:

Outward rotation: Take a rubber stretching band between your both hands with your elbows at a 90 degree angle close to your sides. Rotate the lower part of the affected arm outward 2 to 3 inches and make a hold of around 5 seconds. Do 10 to 15 reps once in a day.

Inward rotation: Stand next to a closed-door take a stretching rubber band and hook one end of the rubber band around the doorknob, hold the other end with the hand of the affected arm, by holding the elbow at around 90-degree angle. Pull the band gently and in slow motion don’t jerk it, pull it towards your body 2 to 3 inches and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times gradually once in a day.

Pendulum stretch: To perform this exercise you should relax your shoulders. Just stand and, lean slowly and slightly, allowing the affected arm to hang down, by swinging the arm in a small circle motion around a foot in a diameter. You have to repeat this 10 times once in a day. As par your improvement increases the diameter of the swing, but don’t try to jerk and force it. As your performance is getting better increase the stretch by holding a light bearable weight around 3 to 5 pounds in measurement in the swinging arm.

Besides these exercises Ayurveda and Ayurvedic herbs are also beneficial to overcome the problem of frozen shoulder: According to Ayurveda frozen shoulder relates with Apabahuka and considered as Vata Vyadhi and Kapha Doshas is the cause behind the frozen shoulder. To reduce Vata vitiation Ayurveda prefers some herbal remedies.

Planet Ayurveda considers some herbal remedies for frozen shoulder:

  • Bosewellia Curcumin: Made by herbs Boswellia Serrata (Shallaki) and Curcumin (Curcuma Longa) this product is made to combat the problems of Arthritis and is best to treat frozen shoulder as both these herbs have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These herbs help to increase the supply of blood to joint tissue and enhance the biochemical structure of the cartilage.
  • Amavantak  Churna: Containing the best herbs like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Haridra (Curcuma Longa), Gorkhmundi (Sphaeranthus indicus) and Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Suranjaan (Colchicum automnale), Gorkhmundi (Sphaeranthus indicus). When all these herbs mixed together and come in a single product (Amavantak  Churna)  it helps in treating frozen shoulder which have different constituents and every constituent has the property of its own like Analgesic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory helps in giving relief from swelling and pain in frozen shoulder and other problems of the bone.
  • Yograj   Guggul: Loaded with herbs like Jeeraka (Cuminum Cyminum), Shudh Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica), Mustaka (Cyperus rotundus), Ardraka (Zingiber officinale), Haritaki (Terrminalia chebula). Anti-inflammatory properties of these herbs help in reducing the pain and to get rid of the frozen shoulder.

 In this article we explain the frozen shoulder and some of the herbal remedies to overcome the problem of frozen shoulder.

Planet Ayurveda Reviews: My story of winning over my growing age with Ayurveda.

Today I noticed my first fleck of aging hiding beneath the layers, after I returned in my room finishing my dinner all tired. But at least I catch a sight of it. From next day I started asking close fellows, “Whether my creases are noticeable or not?” “Do you see it now?” “Is it still there?” Every single time I pass a mirror or even an elevator that reflects I used to check for new wrinkles. Obviously I’ m terrified!!

 And Beauty of a Women, Grows Eventually with Time.

Born in a Bengali family, I was blessed with flawless glowing skin as they say, “You are what you eat and these are like good investments”. I am Avya Chakraborty and edging ever closer to 30 which I am compelled to admit: my hormones are changing, skin has changed in few years and always search for visible signs of aging. Being a foody person and that too born in land known for “Macha” and “Roshugulla” it was so heart breaking for me to move out from my happy zone. I have to relocate to a different location with different lifestyle and food habits.

It took one month to finally settle my accommodation in new city i.e. Mumbai a place for dreamers, starlets, artists and fashion. Whenever we hear Mumbai all we can remember is the city that never sleeps, marine drive (surrounded with small tombs) but it’s quite more than that. Being the heart of India it’s full of life, colors of tradition and Bollywood. Move on to next episode, now I am a college girl with lots of tangled emotions, with an aim of becoming fashion designer. As art is in blood of Bongs. I made lot of friends coming from every corner of India and overseas too. Everything has changed my sleeping pattern, lifestyle, and food habits as I have started eating Batata vada, Dhoklas, Modak, Vada pao, Missal pao etc. Now I have a really great command in Garbha dance so you can imagine as a blend of Bengal and Gujrat now in these three years.

I am about to get graduate now but a compliment remains the same, “You got flawless skin, what do you use?” “What is your skin care routine?” “Your skin is tight and pretty till now, what’s the secret?”. Now it’s time to enter the real world or a cruel world full of responsibilities and shaping my dreams slowly like a potter builds a pot. Soon I got a call from my dream place for internship and I made a step ahead. Entering there was like a dream come true and a pressure of learning things, completing targets etc.: No time for yourself. As months passed, I started gelling up with my colleagues, having drinks occasionally (to pace up and have break) and it goes on.

As the decades passed, I was making good money no doubt but have stopped taking care of myself, skin and whole of me. Now compliments have that I used to get have changed to, “What has happened to you, so dull skin! So many wrinkles! It seems like now you don’t care of yourself well! etc.” Even I noticed myself constantly searching for herbal remedies, dermatologists, skin care routines and seeing lots of you-tube video blogs and videos. Obviously I had spent a lot of money till date.  And being a firm believer and trust in Ayurvedic principles I tried so many herbs but I failed in that, because my way was not up to the mark. I needed help I guess. One day my continuous hunt lead me to Planet Ayurveda which proved to be a boon to me later in my sand of life.

You can’t stop aging But you know what’s more important:

To know how to age with grace!

Ayurvedic Treatment of Premature Ageing

This is what I earned from Planet Ayurveda who recommended me “Anti-aging pack”which is loaded with goodness of natural herbal combinations like Radiant skin hair capsules, Manjistha capsules, Amalaki Rasayan cap, Kumari Saar, Planet blissful cream and Planet serum in day. All these formulations are safe, reliable and are free from all kinds of chemicals and preservatives. I have been using this pack from year 2019 and till now in 2020 because this have made me live my life better and have improved quality of my life. No doubt these medicines alone won’t do it but you have to improve your lifestyle and to love yourself more. According to Ayurvedic principles, “Goal of religion or karma, material world, sensual pleasure can be achieved only if one is healthy” and reason for all the diseases and problems is misdoings by our Pragya or intelligence.   

Today I felt again my college days because I got a compliment “You got flawless skin, what do you use?” “What is your skin care routine?”.This totally brought my lost self-confidence and jolly part of me back.

Thanks to Planet Ayurveda!

Exercise for Arthritis & Arthritis Ayurvedic remedies

To say arthritis is a pain is an understatement.  Many people suffer it’s effects daily.  Advanced cases of arthritis can be crippling.There are a few things that you can do though.

Believe it or not exercise can help you relieve the symptoms of arthritis.  Of course, you should consult your doctor before attempting exercise with arthritis.  Ask about weight limits, motivational support, and appropriate after-exercise pain management. The three best types of exercise for people with arthritis are:

  1. Range-Of-Motion Exercise: This type of exercise helps to maintain or increase flexibility.
  2. Strengthening Exercise: Stronger muscles help to support and protect joints.
  3. Aerobic or Endurance Exercise: These exercises improve cardiovascular fitness and help to control weight.  Maintaining a healthy weight helps to relieve pressure on the joints.

Begin your routine by stretching and warming up with range-of-motion exercises.  This helps to prepare your body for more intense exercise while lowering the risk of injury.  After that, move on to other kind of strengthening exercises.  Start with one to two pound hand weights.  It may not seem like much, but repetitive exercises with small hand weights can go a long way to developing lean muscle.  Just take it easy and don’t move too fast.  After strength training, ease soreness with a cold pack.  Now progress to aerobic and endurance exercises.  Consider appropriate recreational exercises here. Some walking or light running on a treadmill or at a local track can provide some great benefits for  joints in the lower body.  Also try bicycling if your doctor thinks you can do it.  Swimming is also a great endurance exercise, as it works the whole body.  If the joints become too sore or inflamed, ease off for now.

If you start a daily routine, you will see the benefits.  It takes time to build yourself up, but it will help in the long run.  To help you stick with it, choose a plan that you enjoy.  Include exercises that you like doing, and you will be more likely to stick with it.  Don’t let your arthritis keep you down.  Do something about it.

 Ayurvedic Treatment for Arthritis

As per Ayurvedic aspect Arthritis is due to imbalance of Vata, Pitta & Kapha all three dosha in body. New modern life style and excessive bad eating habits disturb the Dosha and leads to arthritis. So Planet Ayurveda comes with best combination of effective herbal remedies for Arthritis like Joint Support Pack for Ayurvedic treatment of arthritis. These Ayurvedic remedies are prepared from best quality herbs and he principles of Ayurveda.

Role of Ayurvedic Diet and Remedies in Diabetes

Ayurvedic Diet and Remedies in Diabetes

Since ancient times, Ayurveda has emphasized more on the importance of diet and lifestyle, while maintaining health. In Ayurveda, a healthy man is referred as “he who indulges in healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits, who discriminate between wholesome and unwholesome acts and acts accordingly, the one who is not attached too much to the worldly affairs, who develops the habit of charity and keeps good company of persons, who are healthy and stays free from diseases.”

It is also said that in both the conditions of health and disease, the wholesomeness and unwholesomeness is a prime factor as, without a proper diet, the use of medicines is futile.

The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is rapidly increasing throughout the world and India leads with the largest number of diabetics in the world. Currently available conventional options for diabetes have certain limitations but Ayurveda (traditional medical system of the Indian subcontinent) has a well-developed conceptual framework that incorporates diet and lifestyle as curative factors and has a multi-factorial approach to its management. Ayurveda also has prescriptions for the prevention of diabetes mellitus, which is yet to receive little attention.

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is characterized as a metabolic disorder in which the body cannot produce enough insulin to process the glucose in the blood. It affects nearly every organ or system of the body. It is characterized under Type 1, Type 2, gestational, juvenile, etc. Type 1 diabetes often appears during childhood or teenage years and the symptoms tend to come on quickly and are more severe. Type 2 diabetes is a more common type, which can develop at any age. Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy in which there is a rise in blood sugar levels that can affect the pregnancy and health of the unborn child. The blood sugar usually returns to normal after delivery.

What are the symptoms of Diabetes?

Symptoms of Diabetes

The symptoms of diabetes depend on how much blood sugar level is elevated. Some of the common signs and symptoms of Diabetes are:

· Frequent urination
· Increased thirst
· Unexplained weight loss
· Extreme hunger
· Fatigue
· Blurred vision
· Slow healing of sores
· Frequent infections such as gums, skin or vaginal infections.

What is the cause of Diabetes according to Ayurveda?

Cause of Diabetes
  • The closest clinical co-relate to diabetes in Ayurveda is the disease entity Prameha. It is caused due to Sahaja (aberrant genetic factors), unhealthy diets and lifestyles such as over-eating, alcohol abuse, excessive consumption of food that is guru (heavy), Snigdha (unctuous), lavana (salt), etc.
  • The individuals who dominate Kapha dosha or a combination of Vata and Kapha dosha are considered at a greater risk of acquiring diabetes.
  • Further, according to Ayurveda, a sub-optimal Agni (digestive fire) leads to the nutritional aberration at the dhatu (tissue) level, which progressively affects the nourishment of multiple tissues (dhatukasahya) in due course.

What is the role of Ayurvedic diet and remedies in Diabetes?

Ayurvedic diet and remedies in Diabetes

Diet plays a very crucial role in diabetes as in Ayurveda, ‘Agni’ or digestive fire is extremely important. In diabetes, when a patient eats frequently without the digestion of the previous meal, it results in the formation of Ama dosha that lodges in the channels and results in various complicated disorders.

  • Eat light and easily digestible meals. Frequent eating should be avoided. In Ayurveda, there is a concept of ‘Langhan Chikitsa’. The word Langhan is derived from the word ‘laghu’ which means light, so the purpose of Langhan Chikitsa is to make the body light by relieving heaviness. One of the types of Langhan Chikitsa is fasting. Fasting is very beneficial for the management of diabetes.

(Reference: Astang Hridyam, Chapter №14, Shloka №10)

Meaning: According to this shloka, langhan chikitsa should be done to persons who are diabetic, suffering from ama, who have undergone excessive oleation treatment, fever, stiffness in the thighs, and skin diseases.

  • Regular use of Rasayana drugs such as Amalaki Rasayan, Ashwagandha in any form is also very useful.
  • Drinking warm water after regular intervals throughout the day is also very effective.
  • Restrict the use of packaged, junk foods that contain artificial sweeteners, preservatives, meat of domestic and aquatic animals, etc.
  • Avoid the intake of sweets.
  • Include cow’s ghee in the diet.
  • Stay active and avoid sleeping during day time.
  • Brisk walking twice a day is also very beneficial.

How Planet Ayurveda can help in the treatment of Diabetes?

Planet Ayurveda offers herbal remedies that act on the beta cells of the pancreas, improve insulin production and prevent long term complications.

Planet Ayurveda offers Diabetes Care Pack which includes:

1. Dia-Beta Capsules
2. Karela Capsules
3. Madhumehantak Churna
4. Fenugreek Capsules

1. Dia beta Capsules: Planet Ayurveda’s Dia Beta Plus Capsules are a completely natural product and contain the standardized extracts of anti-diabetic herbs that naturally control the sugar level. These capsules are very effective for diabetic neuropathy as well and rejuvenate the overall health.

Ingredients of Dia beta Capsules are:

  1. Saptarangi (Salacia chinensis) 50 mg
  2. Vijayasar (Pterocarpus marsupium) 50 mg
  3. Gurmar (Gymnema sylvstre) 150 mg
  4. Karela (Momordica charantia) 150 mg
  5. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) 50 mg
  6. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) 50 mg

Dose: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after taking meals.

2. Karela Capsules: Karela Capsules of Planet Ayurveda contains the 100% pure extract of bitter gourd. It contains a polypeptide that acts as insulin to help fight diabetes and has wonderful blood purifying properties. Karela is also a rich source of Vitamin A, C, and potassium.

Dose: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after taking meals.

3. Madhumehantak Churna: Madhumehantak Churna of Planet Ayurveda contains the dried extracts of anti-diabetic herbs that control sugar levels naturally and also provide general strength. It contains ingredients such as Saptrangi (Salacia chinesis), Vizaysaar (Pterocarpus marsupium), Bilv patra (Aegle marmelos), Gurmaar (Gymnema sylvestrae), Darhuhaldi (Berberis aristata), Neem patra (Azadirachta indica), Methi (Trigonella foenum graceum), Jamun (Syzygium cumini), Karela (Momordica charantia), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Sadabahar (Eochnera rosea) and Babool (Acacia arabica).

Dose: 1–2 teaspoonful twice a day, half an hour before taking meals with plain water.

4. Fenugreek Capsules: Fenugreek Capsules by Planet Ayurveda are prepared using the standardized extract of the herb Trigonella foenum-graecum. Fenugreek is indicated in type 2 diabetes, urinary tract disorders as it contains an amino acid which is responsible for its anti-diabetic activity. Fenugreek also contains an alkaloid trigonelline, which is known to reduce the high level of blood sugar.

Dose: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after taking meals.

Thus, the holistic approach of Ayurveda, which includes medications, diet and exercise regimens are well suited for the management of lifestyle disorders such as Diabetes

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