Frozen shoulder exercises

The anatomy of the shoulder includes a ball-and-socket joint that consists of 3 bones. Humerus (upper arm bone), scapula (shoulder blade), and clavicle (collarbone) are the bones that made a ball-and-socket joint. Connective tissues cover this ball-and-socket joint these strong connective tissues are known as shoulder capsules. Thickness in the shoulder capsule with stiffness isContinue reading “Frozen shoulder exercises”

Planet Ayurveda Reviews: My story of winning over my growing age with Ayurveda.

Today I noticed my first fleck of aging hiding beneath the layers, after I returned in my room finishing my dinner all tired. But at least I catch a sight of it. From next day I started asking close fellows, “Whether my creases are noticeable or not?” “Do you see it now?” “Is it stillContinue reading “Planet Ayurveda Reviews: My story of winning over my growing age with Ayurveda.”

Home Remedies for common cold in children

Introduction The Common cold is a disease of the upper respiratory tract brought on by the virus. It mostly affects the nose and throat. Children and infants are at the maximum risk of affecting the frequent cold, but healthy adults may also occasionally be affected by a cold. It is a communicable disease. Common ColdContinue reading “Home Remedies for common cold in children”

Exercise for Arthritis & Arthritis Ayurvedic remedies

To say arthritis is a pain is an understatement.  Many people suffer it’s effects daily.  Advanced cases of arthritis can be crippling.There are a few things that you can do though. Believe it or not exercise can help you relieve the symptoms of arthritis.  Of course, you should consult your doctor before attempting exercise with arthritis.  Ask aboutContinue reading “Exercise for Arthritis & Arthritis Ayurvedic remedies”

Role of Ayurvedic Diet and Remedies in Diabetes

Since ancient times, Ayurveda has emphasized more on the importance of diet and lifestyle, while maintaining health. In Ayurveda, a healthy man is referred as “he who indulges in healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits, who discriminate between wholesome and unwholesome acts and acts accordingly, the one who is not attached too much to theContinue reading “Role of Ayurvedic Diet and Remedies in Diabetes”

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