Home Remedies for common cold in children


Home remedies for Common Cold

The Common cold is a disease of the upper respiratory tract brought on by the virus. It mostly affects the nose and throat. Children and infants are at the maximum risk of affecting the frequent cold, but healthy adults may also occasionally be affected by a cold. It is a communicable disease.

Common Cold Causes

  1. It is principally caused by many types of viruses but Rhinovirus has become the most frequent cause of the common cold.
  2. These viruses can spread through air droplets when an influenced person coughs, sneezes or interacts with somebody and enters the body through the mouth, nose or eyes.
  3. It affects young children and babies more because their immune system is immature and their body is at higher risk of being impacted by a viral disease.

Common Cold Signs:

The common cold will cure in a Couple of Days They eventually become last longer in people who smoke frequently. But it’s important to find a physician when the symptoms are not cured.

The Frequent symptoms of the common cold are the following:

  1. Stuffy and runny nose
  2. Sneezing
  3. Sore throat
  4. Cough and Congestion
  5. Body aches 
  6. Mild headache
  7. Mild fever

In Children also it is considered as a no requirement to find the physician but these would be the symptoms if occurring in the kids, then medical care is necessary.

  1. High fever in children of any age for more than two times
  2. Fever around 100.4 F in newborns (up to 12 months )
  3. Headache or cough
  4. Whistling sound on breathing
  5. Reduction of appetite
  6. Earache
  7. Excessive fussiness
  8. Abnormal drowsiness

Natural remedies to treat Common Cold in Children

Natural treatment is the best treatment for the treatment and management for any illness since it is simple, powerful and has no side effects. If you want to get rid of the common cold in your kids then adopt herbal and home remedies. Some of the home remedies and best herbal remedies provided by Earth Ayurveda are given below.

Home Remedies to treat Common Cold

There are various home remedies which Help prevent and treat a common cold obviously in kids.

1) Have a rest: This can assist the body to focus on energy to recuperate as rapidly as possible. Thus, give your kids a warm and well-rested.

2) Fluid intake: Drink fluids and decrease fluid loss from the body during fever, vomiting, and nausea and may also help loosen mucus.

3) Use a humidifier: You ought to keep the air moist in your kid’s room using a humidifier. This will help reduce congestion of the nose and chest.

4) Use some effective herbs that you can easily find on your kitchen: A number of them are the following:

A. Turmeric

It possesses antibiotic, antifungal, Anti inflammatory and antifungal properties. It can help to effectively cure nasal blockages and other symptoms associated with the frequent cold.

How To use:Take half a teaspoon. Take it twice daily.

B. Garlic

It owns many medicinal properties and Considered an effective home remedy for the common cold. It helps to alleviate sore throat, headache, and aches

How To use: Put some garlic buds in mustard oil and heat it for some time.

After this becomes lukewarm, massage the Chest and nose softly with oil.

C. Tulsi

It is also known as holy basil. It’s also a Very successful home remedy for cold and fever.

How To utilize: Boil 4 to 5 fresh leaves of basil in water.

D. Ginger

It is also effective in the common cold.

How To utilize: Set ginger Bits in water and simmer for a while. Add some sugar and mix. Strain and You might also take ginger tea.

Besides these home remedies, There are lots of Herbal remedies which are more helpful in Common cold in children without Side effects . Planet Ayurveda – Holistic healing Through Herbs by Dr Vikram Chauhan offering best Herbal remedies for Common Cold like Kaas-HarChurna, Aller-G Care, Curcumin Capsules

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